Outcome Vs Process Goals

Consider this a taster of the content you can expect from us. We will be focusing on training tips, mindset, and the constraints-led approach. If you want something different then let us know about it!

How to 2x your Improvement

Spoiler: Your goals are the problem!

Wait, My Goals are a Problem?

Our goals often include winning in one form or another: winning the game, getting the tap, overcoming obstacles, etc. This is great – and also dangerous. To find out why, we’ll need to take a look at two different kinds of goals: process goals and outcome goals.

Outcome Goals

Outcome goals are the most common types of goal: win the game, get the check, or get that next belt. These types of goals clearly tell you what your most desired outcome is, and they’re easy to set! Unfortunately that comes with some major drawbacks. When you are exclusively focused on the outcome it’s easy to become demotivated, you fail completely if you miss the outcome, and often times the outcome is not even something that is within your control! If outcome goals are so dangerous on their own, what is the solution? Let me introduce you to process goals!

Process Goals

Process goals are focused on the things that you need to do that should lead to the outcome that you desire. You want that next belt? Focus on training 3x a week instead of “getting my blue belt”. How about winning that game? Leave it all on the field, do your best work, and don’t just accept loss – even if you’re down. Hoping to get that check? Do something to earn it every single day.

Combining the Two

Click the button below to check out the article Habits Over Results at BJJ Mental Models and learn how to combine these two types of goals. You’ll be rocketing towards your grappling dreams in no time!

While you’re there, use the discount code SLIME3729 for a one time 50% discount!

One Favor Before You Go

Could you do us one small favor, and before you go take two minutes to let us know what you think of this content? We’d love to hear your opinions and at least one thing that you would like help with in your grappling or coaching!

See you on the mats!

- Trey

P.S. The irony of an ecological dynamics grappling club partnering with a mental models business is not lost on us!

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