Open Guard Sweeping

Attribution: This game was originally created by coach Greg Souders at Standard Jiu-Jitsu.

Top Player:

  • Position: Standing disconnected from your partner near their feet.
  • Objective: Clear the line of the feet and advance to the line of the knees either outside or inside your partner’s legs. Hold this position for as long as possible.
  • Constraints: Stay as close to your partner as possible.
  • Win Condition: None

Bottom Player:

  • Position: Lying on your back with your knees retracted to your chest and elbows in near your knees.
  • Objective: Make and maintain connections to inside position using your hands and feet and then use those connections to destabilize your partner.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Off balance your partner forcing them either onto their hands or their butt. If they land on their butt immediately reset and continue. If they land on their hands hold them in that position for as long as you can.

Reset if bottom player wins.