Capture the Foot

Two grapplers sitting in front of one another with their legs entangled and one players foot trapped in the other player’s armpit. Two grapplers sitting in front of one another with their legs entangled and one players foot trapped in the other player’s armpit.

Attacking Player:

  • Position: Seated with your partner in ashi garami with your outside elbow on the ground and their leg between your arm and torso.
  • Objective: Gain control of the foot/ankle by securing it in your armpit. Maintain control for as long as possible.
  • Constraints: No finishing or submission attempts.
  • Win Condition: None

Defending Player:

  • Position: Inside your partner’s ashi garami with your foot between their elbow and torso.
  • Objective: Prevent your foot from being captured in their armpit and free your leg.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Your leg is freed.

Reset if defending player wins.