
Defensive Player:

  • Position: Standing with your partner on one knee in front of you and their hands clasped behind your thighs as pictured below.One player is on one knee and has their hands clasped behind the thighs of the standing player. One player is on one knee and has their hands clasped behind the thighs of the standing player.
  • Objective: Get your legs back in front of your partner.
  • Constraints: Game begins when your hips touch the mat.
  • Win Condition: Destabilize your partner and reverse the position.

Offensive Player:

  • Position: Kneeling in front of your partner with your knee between their legs, your hands clasped behind their legs, and your head on the side of their torso opposite your kneeling leg.
  • Objective: Work to break your partner’s connections to you and get past the line of their hips.
  • Constraints: Finish the takedown. Game starts when your partner’s hips touch the mat.
  • Win Condition: Achieve chest to chest or chest to back contact.