Engaged Guards

Each game consists of a three minute round, a one minute break, and then another three minute round with the position of the players switched.

Top Player:

  • Position: Standing with your partner underneath you and connected to one or both of your legs.
  • Objective: Focus on breaking your partner's connections to your body and staying on your feet.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Successfully disengage from your partner.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: Underneath your partner connected to one or both of their legs.
  • Objective: Focus on connecting to your partner's legs and hips in ways that make them carry your weight and limits their movement.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: None

Reset if top player wins.

Top Player:

  • Position: Standing with your partner underneath you and connected to one or both of your legs and hips.
  • Objective: Focus on breaking your partner's connections to your body and staying on your feet.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Successfully disengage from your partner.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: Underneath your partner connected to one or both of their legs.
  • Objective: Focus on connecting to your partner's legs and hips in ways that make them carry your weight and limits their movement.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Get your partners hands or hips to the mat. If they go to their hands hold them there as long as possible.

Reset if either player wins.

Top Player:

  • Position: Standing with your partner seated underneath you and connected to one of your legs.
  • Objective: Focus on breaking your partner's connections to your body and staying on your feet.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Successfully disengage from your partner.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: Seated underneath your partner and connected to one of their legs.
  • Objective: Focus on upgrading your position so that your legs are connected to one or both of your partners legs and hips in a way that makes them carry your weight and limits their movement.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: None

Reset if top player wins.

Top Player:

  • Position: Kneeling next to your partner with one hand across their back and control of one of their arms.
  • Objective: Focus on breaking your partner down by attacking their arms or shoulders.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Partner's hips or shoulders are touching the mat and you have chest to chest or chest to back contact.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On the ground with your knees and either hands or elbows on the mat. Your partner should be on kneeling next to you with one hand across your back and control of one of your arms.
  • Objective: Focus on standing or getting your legs between you and your partner.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Either stand up or transition to a position where your legs are between you and your partner.

Reset if either player wins.

Top Player:

  • Position: Kneeling next to your partner with control of one of the points where their body touches the mat.
  • Objective: Focus on breaking your partner down and getting their hips or shoulders to the mat.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Partner's hips or shoulders are touching the mat and you have chest to chest or chest to back contact with your hands connected.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On the ground with your knees and either hands or elbows on the mat. Your partner should be kneeling next to you with control of one of the points where your body is touching the mat.
  • Objective: Focus on standing or getting your legs between you and your partner.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Either stand up or transition to a position where your legs are between you and your partner.

Reset if either player wins.

6 Minute Round

Live round with a partner. Start standing if you are able to do so safely. Otherwise pick the starting position from one of the previous games and start there. Roll to submission, reset, and continue. Repeat as many times as possible before the round ends.