Knee on Belly

Each game consists of a three minute round, a one minute break, and then another three minute round with the position of the players switched.

Attacking Player:

  • Position: Standing in front of your partner completely disconnected.
  • Objective: Tag one of your partner's knees as many times as possible before the round ends.
  • Constraints: No takedowns.
  • Win Condition: None

Defending Player:

  • Position:Standing in front of your partner completely disconnected.
  • Objective: Focus on preventing your partner from touching your knees by using movement to create space and your limbs to impede their movement.
  • Constraints: No takedowns.
  • Win Condition: None

This game is continuous.

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with one knee on your partner's torso and your opposite leg extended out to the side.
  • Objective: Maintain your position. You do not need to stay in the starting, and can transition from one side to the other.
  • Constraints: You cannot touch your partner or the ground with your hands.
  • Win Condition: None

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back underneath your partner with one of their knees on your torso and their hands connected to your upper body.
  • Objective: Focus on freeing yourself from your partner's pin by blocking their leg and moving your body from underneath it.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Free yourself from the pin by removing their leg from your torso or reversing the position.

Reset if bottom player wins.

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with one knee on your partner's torso and your opposite leg extended out to the side. Your hands should be connected to your partner's upper body to help
  • Objective: Maintain your position.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: None

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back underneath your partner with one of their knees on your torso and their hands connected to your upper body.
  • Objective: Focus on freeing yourself from your partner's pin by blocking their leg and moving your body from underneath it.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: You have freed yourself from the pin by removing their leg from your torso.

Reset if bottom player wins.

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with one knee on your partner's torso and your opposite leg extended out to the side. Your hands should be connected to your partner's upper body to help
  • Objective: Transition to a submission by looking to isolate an arm. Any other submissions are also acceptable if the arms are unavailable.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Force your partner to tap.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back underneath your partner with one of their knees on your torso and their hands connected to your upper body.
  • Objective: Focus on freeing yourself from your partner's pin by blocking their leg and moving your body from underneath it.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: You have freed yourself from the pin by removing their leg from your torso or reversed the position.

Reset if either player wins.

Two grapplers demonstrating the darce choke Two grapplers demonstrating the darce choke

Top Player:

  • Position: On your knees next to your partner with their stomach towards you. Your near arm should be looped under the armpit of their top arm and underneath their neck with the hand gripping your bicep or forearm. Your other arm should have the elbow on the ground with its hand on the back of your partner's top shoulder.
  • Objective: Maintain control of the position for as long as possible.
  • Constraints: No finishing the submission.
  • Win Condition: None

Bottom Player:

  • Position: Lying on your side facing your partner. One of their arms should be passing through the armpit of your top arm and looping underneath your neck.
  • Objective: Focus on escaping the submission by grip fighting and turning your hips.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: You have freed your head from the submission.

6 Minute Round

Live round with a partner. Start standing if you are able to do so safely. Otherwise pick the starting position from one of the previous games and start there. Roll to submission, reset, and continue. Repeat as many times as possible before the round ends.