Twisting Armlocks

Each game consists of a three minute round, a one minute break, and then another three minute round with the position of the players switched.

Attacking Player:

  • Position: Standing in front of your partner with one arm connected to their torso inside one of their arms (underhook).
  • Objective: Fight for inside space. Get underneath or behind your partner's elbows.
  • Constraints: No takedowns.
  • Win Condition: None

Defending Player:

  • Position:Standing in front of your partner with one arm connected to their torso inside one of their arms (underhook) on the side opposite their underhook.
  • Objective: Fight for inside space. Get underneath or behind your partner's elbows.
  • Constraints: No takedowns.
  • Win Condition: None

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with chest to chest contact lying perpendicular to their torso. Your arm furthest from their head should be holding the wrist of their far arm. Your arm closest to their head should go around their arm and grasp your opposite wrist.
  • Objective: Focus on maintaining control of your partner's far arm using your figure four grip.
  • Constraints: Do not finish the submission. If you think your partner is close to injuring themselves in an escape attempt then release them.
  • Win Condition: None

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back with your partner on top of you lying perpendicular to your torso with chest to chest contact. They should be holding one of your arms in a figure four grip as described in the top player's starting position.
  • Objective: Create space and movement in order to allow improvement of your position.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Bring your feet between you and your partner or reverse the position.

Reset if bottom player wins.

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with chest to chest contact lying perpendicular to their torso. Your arm furthest from their head should be holding the wrist of their far arm. Your other arm can be anywhere that you choose.
  • Objective: Focus on maintaining control of your partner's far arm using your figure four grip.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Acehieving a two on one grip with one hand holding their wrist and the other reinforcing it in a figure four.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back with your partner on top of you lying perpendicular to your torso with chest to chest contact. They should be holding one of your wrists with one hand.
  • Objective: Create space and movement in order to allow improvement of your position.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Bring your feet between you and your partner or reverse the position.

Reset if either player wins.

One person on their side on the ground with another person attempting to progress past their legs. Bottom player is blocking top player's progress using their top knee, arms, and hands. One person on their side on the ground with another person attempting to progress past their legs. Bottom player is blocking top player's progress using their top knee, arms, and hands.

Top Player:

  • Position: On your knees with your partner's bottom leg between yours and your chest pressing against the knee of their top leg. Their hands should be connected to your body in any configuration they want.
  • Objective: Remove the knee shield.
  • Constraints: You can alleviate pressure to manipulate the frame, but cannot flee the engagement.
  • Win Condition: The knee shield is no longer between you and your partner.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On one side with your bottom leg inside your partner's knees, your top knee should be touching their upperbody, and your hands/arms should be touching their body in any configuration you'd like.
  • Objective: Force your partner's hands to touch the mat, and then punish the post by connecting your hips to their shoulderline or establishing a two-on-one grip.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Hips are connected to your partner's shoulders or a two on one grip has been established.

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with one knee on your partner's torso and your opposite leg extended out to the side. Your hands should be connected to your partner's upper body to help
  • Objective: Transition to a submission by looking to isolate an arm. Any other submissions are also acceptable if the arms are unavailable.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Force your partner to tap.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back underneath your partner with one of their knees on your torso and their hands connected to your upper body.
  • Objective: Focus on freeing yourself from your partner's pin by blocking their leg and moving your body from underneath it.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: You have freed yourself from the pin by removing their leg from your torso or reversed the position.

Reset if either player wins.

6 Minute Round

Live round with a partner. Start standing if you are able to do so safely. Otherwise pick the starting position from one of the previous games and start there. Roll to submission, reset, and continue. Repeat as many times as possible before the round ends.