Attribution: This game was originally created by coach Greg Souders at Standard Jiu-Jitsu.
Top Player:
- Position: On top of your partner with chest to chest contact lying perpendicular to their torso.
- Objective: Focus on isolating one or more of your partner's limbs or achieving chest to back contact in preparation for applying a submission.
- Constraints: None.
- Win Condition: Achieve a figure four grip from top side control, an extended arm connected to your partner's head while in mount, or an exposed back with solidified chest to back contact with an over/under grip (seatbelt).
Bottom Player:
- Position: On your back with your partner on top of you lying perpendicular to your torso with chest to chest contact.
- Objective: Create space and movement in order to allow improvement of your position.
- Constraints: None.
- Win Condition: Bring your feet between you and your partner or reverse the position.
Reset if either player wins.