
Two grapplers sitting in front of one another with their legs entangled and one players foot trapped in the other player's armpit. Two grapplers sitting in front of one another with their legs entangled and one players foot trapped in the other player's armpit.

Before playing this game watch this video to get an idea of how to finish a straight ankle lock if you are unsure.

This game should only be played enough rounds for each player to get a feel for finishing the submission and for feeling the submission mechanics being applied.

Attacking Player:

  • Position: Seated with your partner in ashi garami with an overhook/wrap on your opponent's captured leg.
  • Objective: Slowly apply the finishing mechanics of the straight ankle lock.
  • Constraints: Move as slowly as possible while applying pressure to the ankle.
  • Win Condition: Your partner taps.

Defending Player:

  • Position: Inside your partner's ashi garami with an overhook/wrap on your captured leg.
  • Objective: Tap early as your partner slowly applies finishing mechanics for the straight ankle lock.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: None

Reset when attacking player wins.

Two grapplers sitting in front of one another with their legs entangled and one players foot trapped in the other player's armpit. Two grapplers sitting in front of one another with their legs entangled and one players foot trapped in the other player's armpit.

Attacking Player:

  • Position: Seated with your partner in ashi garami with an overhook/wrap on your opponent's captured leg.
  • Objective: Maintain control of your opponent's foot and leg.
  • Constraints: No finishing, submission attempts, and no exposing the heel. No finishing or submission attempts. If the position feels unsafe at any time completely release the foot and leg.
  • Win Condition: None

Defending Player:

  • Position: Inside your partner's ashi garami with an overhook/wrap on your captured leg.
  • Objective: Keep your heel hidden by pressing it into their ribs and find a way to free the trapped leg.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Your leg is freed.

Reset if defending player wins.

Two grapplers sitting in front of one another with their legs entangled and one players foot trapped in the other player's armpit. Two grapplers sitting in front of one another with their legs entangled and one players foot trapped in the other player's armpit.

Attacking Player:

  • Position: Seated with your partner in ashi garami with your outside elbow on the ground and their leg between your arm and torso.
  • Objective: Gain control of the foot/ankle by securing it in your armpit. Maintain control for as long as possible.
  • Constraints: No finishing or submission attempts.
  • Win Condition: None

Defending Player:

  • Position: Inside your partner's ashi garami with your foot between their elbow and torso.
  • Objective: Prevent your foot from being captured in their armpit and free your leg.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Your leg is freed.

Reset if defending player wins.

Start in the same position as game 1. Defending player wears a sweat band on their ankle. Attacking player’s goal is to remove the sweat band. Defending player’s goal is to prevent that, and work to free their leg or stand with weight on it.

Attribution: This game is based on an Instagram reel posted by coach Greg Souders at Standard Jiu-Jitsu.

Top Player:

  • Position: Behind your partner with chest to back contact, a single leg wrapped around their torso with your foot covering their hip, one arm wrapped over their shoulder, the other arm wrapped under their armpit, and your hands connected.
  • Objective: Maintain chest to back contact while hunting for submissions.
  • Constraints: Do not puncture the second hook. Only close your legs around your partner while attacking an upper body submission.
  • Win Condition: Successfully submitting your opponent.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: In front of your partner with their chest contacting your back, a single leg wrapped around your torso with the foot covering your hip, one arm wrapped over your shoulder, the other arm wrapped under your armpit, and their hands connected.
  • Objective: Use movement to create space and improve your position.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Turn and face your partner by any means necessary.

Reset if either player wins.

The sweat band game was great fun. I’m uncertain how much “transferable” skill was developed, but it was a blast and everyone had a killer time.

Next iteration will need to introduce heel hooks as a more active threat as well as collection of both legs.