
Attribution: This game was originally created by coach Greg Souders at Standard Jiu-Jitsu.

Top Player:

  • Position: On your knees in front of your training partner with your partner's feet inside your knees.
  • Objective: Break your partner's connections to your body and pin them to their back.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Pinning bottom player to their back.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: Seated on your butt with our feet between your partner's knees.
  • Objective: Maintain seated open guard, keep your feet between your partner's knees, and your head/hands pointed at the top player. Make connections between the top player's elbows or make connection to the outside of top player's elbows.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: None

Reset if top player wins.

Attribution: This game was originally created by coach Greg Souders at Standard Jiu-Jitsu.

Top Player:

  • Position: On your knees in front of your training partner with your partner's feet inside your knees.
  • Objective: Break your partner's connections to your body and pin them to their back.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Pinning bottom player to their back.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: Seated on your butt with our feet between your partner's knees.
  • Objective: Maintain seated open guard, keep your feet between your partner's knees, and your head/hands pointed at the top player. Make connections between the top player's elbows or make connection to the outside of top player's elbows. Attempt to make your partner post as many times as you can.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: None

Attribution: This game was originally created by coach Greg Souders at Standard Jiu-Jitsu.

Top Player:

  • Position: On your knees in front of your training partner with your partner's feet inside your knees.
  • Objective: Break your partner's connections to your body and pin them to their back.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Pinning bottom player to their back.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: Seated on your butt with our feet between your partner's knees.
  • Objective: Maintain seated open guard, keep your feet between your partner's knees, and your head/hands pointed at the top player. Make connections between the top player's elbows or make connection to the outside of top player's elbows. Attempt to make your opponent post, and then connect to the shoulder line with underhooks and connect your hands.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Double underhooks with connected hands

Top Player:

  • Position: Mounted on your partner with their arms connected above their head and your hands connected underneath their arms.
  • Objective: Stay on top, hold your partner down, and keep your arms underneath their elbows.
  • Constraints: Only maintain your position.
  • Win Condition: None

Bottom Player:

  • Position: Underneath your partner's mount with both of your arms isolated above your head and your biceps touching your ears.
  • Objective: Get your elbows back in towards your body or revers the position.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Get both elbows back inside or make your partner fall over.

Reset if bottom player wins

Attribution: This game was originally created by coach Greg Souders at Standard Jiu-Jitsu. You can find the original video on their YouTube Channel.

Start in S Mount Start in S Mount

Top Player:

  • Position: Start in the position pictured above.
  • Objective: Maintain your structure and hold your partner down as they move underneath you.
  • Constraints: Do not separate your partner's hands or finish the submission.
  • Win Condition: None

Bottom Player:

  • Position: Start in the position pictured above.
  • Objective: Resist your partner's attempts to hold you down.
  • Win Condition: You free your arm or are able to get your back off of the mat.

Reset if bottom player wins.

Folks struggled in the beginning, but once they started to grasp the importance of tension more sweeps and reversals started to emerge. These games should be revisited in a more dynamic way that allows for more movement.

Seated vs standing should be a great game to play now.