
Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with chest to chest contact lying perpendicular to their torso. Your arm furthest from their head should be holding the wrist of their far arm. Your arm closest to their head should go around their arm and grasp your opposite wrist.
  • Objective: Focus on maintaining control of your partner's far arm using your figure four grip.
  • Constraints: Do not finish the submission. If you think your partner is close to injuring themselves in an escape attempt then release them.
  • Win Condition: None

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back with your partner on top of you lying perpendicular to your torso with chest to chest contact. They should be holding one of your arms in a figure four grip as described in the top player's starting position.
  • Objective: Create space and movement in order to allow improvement of your position.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Bring your feet between you and your partner or reverse the position.

Reset if bottom player wins.

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with chest to chest contact lying perpendicular to their torso. Your arm furthest from their head should be holding the wrist of their far arm. Your other arm can be anywhere that you choose.
  • Objective: Focus on maintaining control of your partner's far arm using your figure four grip.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Acehieving a two on one grip with one hand holding their wrist and the other reinforcing it in a figure four.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back with your partner on top of you lying perpendicular to your torso with chest to chest contact. They should be holding one of your wrists with one hand.
  • Objective: Create space and movement in order to allow improvement of your position.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Bring your feet between you and your partner or reverse the position.

Reset if either player wins.

Attribution: This game was originally created by coach Greg Souders at Standard Jiu-Jitsu.

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with chest to chest contact lying perpendicular to their torso.
  • Objective: Focus on isolating one or more of your partner's limbs or achieving chest to back contact in preparation for applying a submission.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Achieve a figure four grip from top side control, an extended arm connected to your partner's head while in mount, or an exposed back with solidified chest to back contact with an over/under grip (seatbelt).

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back with your partner on top of you lying perpendicular to your torso with chest to chest contact.
  • Objective: Create space and movement in order to allow improvement of your position.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Bring your feet between you and your partner or reverse the position.

Reset if either player wins.

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with chest to chest contact lying perpendicular to their torso.
  • Objective: Focus on keeping your partner flattened to the mat by maintaining pressure through your chest to chest connection.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: None.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back with your partner on top of you lying perpendicular to your torso with chest to chest contact.
  • Objective: Focus on breaking the chest to chest connection using movement and framing.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Bring your feet or knees between you and your partner, sit up, or reverse the position.

Reset if bottom player wins.

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with chest to chest contact lying perpendicular to their torso.
  • Objective: Focus on keeping your partner flattened to the mat by maintaining pressure through your chest to chest connection.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Get one leg to the other side of your partner's body so that you are straddling their torso.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back with your partner on top of you lying perpendicular to your torso with chest to chest contact.
  • Objective: Focus on breaking the chest to chest connection using movement and framing.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Bring your feet or knees between you and your partner or reverse the position.

Reset if bottom player wins.

6 Minute Round

Live round with a partner. Start standing if you are able to do so safely. Otherwise pick the starting position from one of the previous games and start there. Roll to submission, reset, and continue. Repeat as many times as possible before the round ends.

The cues for the defending player are not sufficient in the twisting armlock games.

Folks continue to make progress with back takes, reversals and escapes. Spend more time in side control without underhooks.