Chasing Failure

How embracing setbacks can fuel your progress.

This is a continuation of our goals series, and the first bit can be found here.

How I Viewed Failure

For years I viewed failure as a blazing indicator that I was unable to achieve the goals that I set out with. I hated it. Failure meant that I was not doing what I “should” be, and felt like a giant barrier to progress. This view held me back for years.

Embracing Failure: The Paradigm Shift

Most of us have been taught to be obsessed with success. What if those failures weren’t roadblocks? Each of those failures adds a new rung to the ladder that ultimately leads you to success. Instead of fearing failure, let’s chase it! Embracing failure means shifting your mindset from avoiding mistakes to actively seeking out opportunities to learn and grow.

How I View Failure Now

Not only have I embraced failure, but I greedily seek it out. I collect each of my failures like treasure, and view them as indicators that I am exploring new situations – which means that learning is actually occurring! So, how can we use this to propel ourselves forward?

Setting Goals for Setbacks

Just like we set goals for success, setting goals for failure can be a game-changer. But how do you quantify failure? It’s simple: set targets for experimentation, innovation, and pushing beyond your comfort zone. Aim to fail a certain number of times per week or month. Whether it’s trying out new techniques, taking on challenging opponents, or exploring unconventional strategies, each failure brings valuable insights and lessons.

My first failure goal in grappling was to tap at least 100 times in one month. It helped me explore positions, relax, and enjoy training more.

Final Thoughts: The Journey

In a world where success is often measured in achievements and accolades, dare to redefine your relationship with failure. Instead of shying away from setbacks, chase them with purpose and intention. Set goals to fail often, embrace the process, and let failure be your guide on the path to success.

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