Arm In Choke

Each game consists of a three minute round, a one minute break, and then another three minute round with the position of the players switched.

Attribution: This game was originally created by coach Greg Souders at Standard Jiu-Jitsu.

Top Player:

  • Position: Connected with one hand on the chin and one hand on the elbow.
  • Objective: Continuously try to keep your partner's hands on the mat and continuously cover their head.
  • Constraints: No submissions allowed.
  • Win Condition: None

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your hands and knees with your partner covering your head with one hand on your chin and one hand on your elbow.
  • Objective: Try to relieve yourself from the situation by freeing your head.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Free your head.

Reset if bottom player wins.

Attribution: This game was originally created by coach Greg Souders at Standard Jiu-Jitsu.

Top Player:

  • Position: On your toes with your chest connected to your partner's shoulder blades, one hand on their chin, and one hand on their elbow.
  • Objective: Continuously try to keep your partner's hands on the mat and continuously cover their head. Connect your arms locking your partner's head and arm together then destabilize them to their back.
  • Constraints: No submissions allowed.
  • Win Condition: Partner is destabilized to their back with their arm and head locked together.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your hands and knees with your partner's chest connected to your shoulder blades, one hand holding your chin, and one hand on your elbow.
  • Objective: Try to relieve yourself from the situation by freeing your head.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Free your head.

Reset if either player wins.

Attribution: This game was originally created by coach Greg Souders at Standard Jiu-Jitsu.

Top Player:

  • Position: Connected with one hand on the chin and one hand on the elbow.
  • Objective: Continuously try to keep your partner's hands on the mat and continuously cover their head. Connect your arms locking your partner's head and arm together then destabilize them to their back. As you do so look to secure a figure 4 grip, maintain it, and compress to finish.
  • Constraints: None
  • Win Condition: Finish the head and arm strangle.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your hands and knees with your partner covering your head with one hand on your chin and one hand on your elbow.
  • Objective: Try to relieve yourself from the situation by freeing your head.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Free your head.

Reset if either player wins.

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with chest to chest contact lying perpendicular to their torso.
  • Objective: Focus on keeping your partner flattened to the mat by maintaining pressure through your chest to chest connection.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Transition to either North South (in line with your partner's torso with your chest over theirs) or side control on the opposite side of their body and hold the position for 3 seconds.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back with your partner on top of you lying perpendicular to your torso with chest to chest contact.
  • Objective: Focus on breaking the chest to chest connection using movement and framing.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Bring your feet or knees between you and your partner or reverse the position.

Reset if bottom player wins.

Two grapplers in the north south position. Top player is pinning the bottom player chest to chest with their heads near one another's belly buttons. Two grapplers in the north south position. Top player is pinning the bottom player chest to chest with their heads near one another's belly buttons.

Top Player:

  • Position: On top of your partner with chest to chest contact with your elbows in their armpits and their head near your belly button.
  • Objective: Focus on keeping your partner flattened to the mat by maintaining pressure through your chest to chest connection.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: None.

Bottom Player:

  • Position: On your back with your partner on top of you with their elbows in your armpits and your head near their belly button.
  • Objective: Focus on breaking the chest to chest connection using movement and framing.
  • Constraints: None.
  • Win Condition: Bring your feet or knees between you and your partner, stand up, or reverse the position.

Reset if bottom player wins.

6 Minute Round

Live round with a partner. Start standing if you are able to do so safely. Otherwise pick the starting position from one of the previous games and start there. Roll to submission, reset, and continue. Repeat as many times as possible before the round ends.